Capture more than just a moment,
make it a timeless memory.

Blooming Rose – Nature Artist Painting

img_17133NOW the pastel painting is starting to take hold!

Some of the new petals that have been painted in this nature painting reach the left hand border and the bottom border of the painting.  The color palette built on warmer tones in the center now have a more cooler quality with pinks, greys, slight blue touches with a pearlescent top finish.  The middle bloom is the center point however the soft folds of the extending petals really gives this piece a serene dreamlike feel that is very beautiful to the eye.  Even within the soft colors you can still feel the three-dimensional quality as the petals whirl around the flower folding downward to expose “Enchanted Bloom”.

This whirling feeling will become more apparent as the other petals start to be painted in.  Keep in mind that I use pastels and each color is built on many shades of colors, layer upon layer, until the right shade and color tone is reached for each part of each petal.

Once I have the whole nature painting image painted I then go back into the work diligently building the chalk giving the creation more depth and dimension with the finishing touches.  That is when the painting really comes alive!

By the next time you see this beautiful Rose image it should almost be complete ready for the finishing touches.

If this is your first time viewing this image of this new painting be sure to go back to
my earlier posts to see this painting from the beginning.

Looking forward to your comments!!!!!


L.A. Cline