The start of a New Pastel Painting, “Romancing the Rose
Here’s a Selfie of me just beginning this new Pastel Painting. It is going to be a large and very brightly colored work of Art measuring right now at 32″X 28″. I say that because I never know just what happens as I create a painting. Sometimes the size changes and I decide to add more and sometimes I need to reduce an area.
Besides the dynamic bright red rose in the center there are flowers all around in Bright Purple with Yellow centers and red berries too. To make this painting even more exciting there will be a Monarch Butterfly and maybe another type of butterfly. I am not sure yet. However I have planned to put in Bumble Bee’s and a lady bug.
This painting is all about the beauty of our world. The world we should protect and enjoy forever more.
So you will have to keep touching base with my blog and see this masterpiece develop before your eyes!!!!