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Flower Bouquet

Flower Bouquet Painting


This Flower Bouquet Painting is bursting with jewel tone colors and radiating joy and happiness. The canvas was painted a solid white acrylic. To create these acrylic painted flowers for this organic masterpiece, the artist started painting the flowers in a scattered pattern in one color, then added more colors and continued scattering them across the canvas until the white background began to diminish. The paint is mixed with a medium, giving it a painterly look that gave each hand-painted flower a more three dimensional unique characteristic as the flowers overlapped.

The positioning of the flowers do not follow any pattern and were painted with the idea of painting wherever it seemed right. It takes time to look at all the different shapes of the flowers as they overlap each other. Flower Bouquet painting is a beautiful representation of the natural beauty that surrounds us and makes a powerful statement in any space. The flowers are positioned randomly, adding to the organic feel of the painting, and invite you to take the time to appreciate their intricate shapes and colors.

This art is available as a digital fine art rendition, using archival inks, acid free canvas and stretch with 2″ stretchers that are painted with acrylic gold paint. You can also commission original acrylic painting that can be customized to fit your preferences. The painting is finished with a shiny varnish, protecting it from UV rays for a lifetime of enjoyment.

Digital Fine Art : Stretched Digital Fine Art, Subject: Flowers, Styles: Abstract Expressionism, Abstract Flower Paintings, Fine Art, Digital Art Flowers, Medium: Archival inks, Acid Free Canvas, 2″ stretchers, Hand-Painted Sides, Clear Varnish with UV protection and preservation.

36″ X 36″, 10lbs.

Made in the USA by Artist, L.A. CLINE

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