“In Memory Of” Family Memorial Portrait Painting
This “IN MEMORY OF” Family Memorial Portrait Painting stands as a tribute to love and remembrance, ensuring the young man’s spirit lives on. The family needed to see their beautiful son every day. The pastel painting was a beautiful memory so this young man’s spirit would carry on.
This commissioned “In Memory Of“ Memorial Portrait Painting was a deeply emotional pastel portrait, created to honor a beloved son and ensure his presence remained a part of his family’s daily lives.
The portrait captures a handsome young man who passed away at just 27 years old. His father, who commissioned the pastel painting, played an integral role in its creation, providing precise guidance and heartfelt critiques to ensure every detail was perfect.
The father requested a monochromatic palette of black, grey, and white, which gave the piece a timeless and poignant quality. With limited references—baby pictures, a few high school photographs, and a small 1″x1″ image of the young man wearing a white T-shirt—the artist worked diligently to bring his likeness to life.
The final pastel portrait was the result of collaboration and deep emotional investment, with the father’s unwavering focus contributing to its authenticity. When the portrait was completed, it became a cherished memory for the entire family, a way to celebrate their son’s spirit and keep him close in their hearts every day.
This “IN MEMORY OF“ Family Memorial Portrait pastel painting stands as a tribute to love and remembrance, ensuring the young man’s spirit lives on.
16″ X 20″
L.A. CLINE, Master Pastel Artist.