“Mother and Daughters” Family Portrait Painting
This heartwarming pastel painting, titled “MOTHER AND DAUGHTERS” Family Portrait Painting is an intimate pastel painting that was commissioned as a special anniversary gift for the husband. The piece captures the beauty and closeness of this family in a timeless and elegant way. At the mother’s request, everyone was dressed in white, creating a sense of harmony and purity in the composition.
The older daughter had braces at the time, and it was unanimously decided—after a suggestion from the artist—to portray her without them, highlighting her natural beauty. Her younger sister, with her charming gap between her two front teeth, was portrayed with a more subtle smile. This thoughtful decision reflected her mother and sister’s wish to celebrate her as she was in that moment, imagining how she might cherish this portrayal in the future, even if her appearance changed.
The final painting was a moving tribute to their love and connection as a family. When the husband saw it, he was reportedly brought to tears, deeply touched by the stunning portrayal of his beautiful wife and daughters.
35″ X 40″
L.A. CLINE, Master Pastel Artist.