“Two Beautiful Ballerinas” Family Portrait Painting
“TWO BEAUTIFUL BALLERINAS” family portrait painting is a stunning work of art that captures the poses of two young sisters who love to dance and play. The artist met with the girls several times to get to know their personalities and preferences, which made the painting a true representation of who they are. The artist made sure to measure the girls’ heights and proportions carefully to create a realistic portrayal of their poses, which were drawn and sketched beforehand after taking their measurements. The older sister’s favorite pink chiffon hair piece was also incorporated into creating the pastel painting and was the idea for creating the costumes for the painting, as the mother loved the colors pink and lavender.
The portrait was created as per the mother’s request to hang over the stone fireplace in her formal living room, and it became the focal point of the entire room. The painting is an impressive 40″X60″ and was created with a vertical composition to complement the high ceilings of the room, which were approximately 13 feet high. The mother’s desire for a pastel portrait painting of her beautiful daughters was achieved with this remarkable piece of artwork.
Working with the two sisters was a lot of fun for the L.A. CLINE, and their energy and love for dance made the process enjoyable. The attention to detail in the portrait makes it a true representation of the girls and their love for ballet, which is evident in the way they strike their poses. The end result is a stunning piece of artwork that perfectly captures the essence of these two beautiful ballerinas.
40″ X 60″
L.A. CLINE, Master Pastel Artist