“Two Brothers in Their Florida Panther Jerseys” Family Portrait Painting
“TWO BROTHERS IN THEIR FLORIDA PANTHER JERSEYS” family portrait painting is a vibrant and heartfelt family pastel painting that beautifully captures the essence of childhood and a family’s shared passion for hockey. This original pastel painting was inspired by the boys’ enthusiastic love for the Florida Panthers, which was fostered during their weekends playing on children’s hockey teams.
The portrait brings to life a cherished scene from their backyard, where the boys spent countless hours playing together on their swing set and slide, all while proudly wearing their beloved Panthers jerseys. Their energy and joy were a delight to capture, and their natural charisma made the creative process truly enjoyable.
The project began with a detailed pencil sketch to scale, ensuring every element of the composition reflected the boys’ personalities and the cherished family memories they wanted to immortalize. Collaborating closely with the parents through several meetings, we refined the vision for the painting to align with their expectations and sentiments.
When the pastel painting was finally completed, it was met with overwhelming excitement and gratitude. The parents were thrilled to see their children’s joyful spirits and shared bond come to life in a timeless work of art. This portrait not only celebrates the boys’ love for hockey but also serves as a lasting tribute to their playful childhood days and the warmth of family connection.
“41” X 43″
L.A. CLINE, Master Pastel Artist.