Capture more than just a moment,
make it a timeless memory.

Portrait Artist L.A. Cline Receives Smithsonian Institute Honor

L.A. Cline was commissioned to recreate a portrait of The Honorable Judge Aronovitz that will be on permanent display in the lobby of the Sidney M. Aronovitz United States Courthouse located in Key West, Florida, which was renamed in his honor on February 22, 2010. Originally from Key West, Florida, Federal Judge Sidney M. Aronovitz was nominated by President Gerald Ford to the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida on August 4, 1976. L.A. Cline scanned the Original Memorial Pastel Painting of Federal Judge Aronovitz and sent a Giclee print to the Director of the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC. The Curator of Prints and Drawings sent L.A. Cline’s print and information to the Smithsonian American Art and Portrait Gallery Library to be included in the “Living Artists File” where certain Artist’s are recommended to all that request future Commissioned Portraits. You can view the image of Federal Judge Aronovitz at Go to “IN THE NEWS” to read his biography and press...
Sometimes Life Gets in the Way – Story behind a Corporate Portrait

Sometimes Life Gets in the Way – Story behind a Corporate Portrait

It has been since December of 2010 that I have written on My Blog but sometimes Life does get in the way. For all those out there that have elderly parents I hope this touches home. My Father has Alzheimer’s and is currently in a Nursing Home.  He is very moody and very normal or what we call a normal day activity like going to the bathroom, pulling up his pants or just standing up takes a huge toll on him.  While the nurses are wonderful no one can be with him every minute.  My Mother, my Son and I lovingly spend as much time each week as possible to care for him.  It certainly takes a toll on all of us. Fortunately, I have my Art to take me away from some of this heartbreak.  Last August I was commissioned by Tod Aronovitz to create a corporate portrait of his Father, Federal Judge Sidney M. Aronovitz that  now can be viewed on my Website under Corporate Portraits. This commission was very difficult since Judge Aronovitz passed on about 15 years ago.  The family gave me a few photographs of him ranging from a young man of thirty to about 70.  One photograph in particular was the family favorite.  It was a black and white head and shoulder pose. It just so happens that one other photograph had a very small image of Judge Aronovitz standing within a group of people where I could discern his approximate height, weight and size of his head and shoulders compared to his contemporaries.  From there I actually measured Tod’s head, shoulders, hands, wrists, height for comparison.  This information gave me general...

My New Commission – A Corporate Portrait Painting from Photo.

I have been posting pictorial Blogs as I created each part of my newest Pastel Painting, “Enchanting Bloom”.  This beautiful painting is now in the finishing stages with only the top portion of the flower to be painted in. Since my last Blog I have put “Enchanting Bloom” aside to work on a new Memorial commission of a Federal Judge that will be on  permanent display in the Key West Court House which has been dedicated in his name.  This honor was bestowed upon me by his son. Through personal dialogue with his son along with a few photographs of his Father I created an original realistic sketch to scale featuring The Judge in a three-quarter length pose from head to mid-thigh measuring about 40″X50″. This sketch took me a month to develop. I am very happy to say that the family members critiqued and approved the sketch.  I am now painting the portrait from which I rendered from a photo. After many years of creating portraits without actually meeting the subject I knew my past experience was invaluable for this project.  It has been a joy right from the start. There will be a press release and a new page added to my web site when the portrait painting is completed.  The painting will take about three to four months more to paint and custom frame. After my client approves the press release I will be able to give you more details about this incredible, “Great American” I am painting. Meanwhile, I will be updating “Enchanting Bloom” in my next Blog in about ten days. Your comments are always welcome, Sincerely, L.A....