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“Happy Jack” Pet Portrait Painting

The “HAPPY JACK” Pet Portrait Pastel Painting is a special and sentimental gift of love, created as an anniversary surprise. The subject of the painting is an American Black Cocker Spaniel named “HAPPY JACK,” who was a wedding gift from the client to her husband. The original painting a warm and romantic background that complements the beloved pet dog. The artist used baby photos and fabric samples from the client’s home décor to capture every detail and ensure that the painting was just perfect.

The process began with a pencil sketch to scale, which was created and approved by the client. Throughout the creation of the painting, critiques were important to ensure that every detail was accurate and that their memorial of “HAPPY JACK” PET PORTRAIT PAINTING was brought to its happy conclusion.

The image of the Custom Pet Painting represents the final result of the Framed Pastel Painting, which was created to immortalize this beloved pet who passed away early in his life. The painting holds a special place in the hearts of the newly married couple, as it serves as a cherished memento of their beloved pet, “Happy Jack.”

23″ X 27″

Original Framed Art Happy Jack Pet Portrait Painting, Subject: Happy Jack, American Black Cocker Spaniel, Style: Realism, Pet Portrait Painting, Dog Painting, Cocker Spaniel Painting, Memorial Dog Painting, Pastel Painting, Medium: Pastel, Materials: Heavy Acid-Free Cotton Art Paper Mounted on Acid-Free Foam Core, Spacers, Frame, Clear Varnish with UV protection and preservation.

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